Operational Reporting

Operational reporting covers the entire organisation it allows business leaders access to the data they need, with SKS we can construct a wide variety of reports.

Data Transformation Predictive Analytics img1Operational reporting covers the entire organisation it allows business leaders access to the data they need, with SKS we can construct a wide variety of reports for example:

  • HR Headcount / Payroll
  • Sales with integration to salesforce if required
  • Order history and tracking
  • Cost analysis
  • Production analysis
  • Ticketing analysis

It is quite common for business to have independent applications for each function SKS can consolidate this information into a single version of the truth allowing multidimensional queries and data analysis.

Accelerate Planning, Budgeting, and Forecasting

Data Transformation Predictive Analytics img2If you use Salesforce, we can integrate with jedox and provide a combined planning, budget and forecasts solution. Enjoy complete flexibility to set sales targets top-down and collect bottom-up budgets from your team. The multi-dimensional Jedox analytics engine is optimized for planning on any level and embedded in Salesforce for a seamless user experience:

  • Flexible planning on any product, territory or account level
  • Multi-step approval workflow
  • Increase by %, seasonal distribution of targets, predict and more

Contact Us

Shared Knowledge Solutions Ltd
5 St John's Lane

020 7250 4722 info@sharedknowledgesolutions.com